Monday, October 30, 2006


I was just noticing how its been a while since either Dean or I wrote on our blog. Our laziness has a few good explanations*, we have each been spending brainpower writing for our respective internal corporate blogs, and we've been traveling around quite a bit. The truth is, we talk about bloggable subjects all the time - we just never get around to blogging them. What we need is autoblogger™! Autoblogger™ is a hand widget that records all our conversations, senses intelligent dialog**, automatically does a speech-to-text conversion on our chat, and posts a draft to blogspot for us.

Of course, given today's speech to text technology, what would really happen is we would say something like "What we really need is a tool that converts our speech into text and posts it online for us" and what we would get is "slutty feel, he need essay fools that desert our speech and boast daft incline forests." But I'm still waiting, maybe Google*** will do it!

* excuses
** coherent
*** Hint hint, Mikal!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hola, seniors and senioritas!

Paula and I took a vacation to Spain a few weeks ago. It was an amazing trip. We began in Madrid and ended in Seville, with a stop in Grenada along the way. Ten days to see the sights, learn the history, experience the culture and savor the food.

Why Spain? Well, we wanted to go somewhere in Europe. Spain seemed like a fun, warm place to go in the early fall. It was also a place that we hadn't heard much about. We see so much of Paris, Berlin, and London in movies and television. We wanted something different. Many of our friends and coworkers loved their trips to the Iberian penninsula. It was an easy decision to make.

I've got so many fascinating things to blog about our trip I'm worried I won't be able to write about them all. I certainly can't show you the pictures, because the film isn't developed and our home computer just melted its motherboard. So, you'll just have to use your thinking caps and imagine all that during my next few posts.